Thursday, July 31, 2008

Confessions of An Overly-Active Imagination, Part One

I'm secretly a spy. Yup. I work for the Association for the Prevention of Tiredness. (Very apt title, no?) I subtly insert comments into as many conversations as possible, trying to discover how everyone else stays awake . . . OR NOT!


Just kidding. Of course. :D

I'm actually *drum roll * a student at M-TEC! That would be Medical Transcription Education Center. It's based out of Ohio, technically, but the program is online and home-based, because you work towards a career as a Medical Transcriptionist, otherwise known as a Medical Language Specialist, and it is a very technology-based career. Something like 80% of those in this career work from home, and that is my goal.

Is it a scam? No. There are plenty of MT scams out there - programs with substandard training, who take your money and then leave you to find a job when you have no real clue what you are doing. But I did the research, and chose MTEC for many reasons! (All of them good.)

Their website is: if you'd like more info. Otherwise check out AHDI (Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity) at

So THAT is why I have been so busy! I am a wife and mother, and I've been planning for the coming homeschooling year, plus keeping up with the house and with friends, and now I'm also a student and in about a year I'll be a part-time home career woman. Whew! Good to have a full life, though.

My grammar is horrible today - you'll have to excuse that. I've been getting up at 5:30 each morning to be with DH before work, and the alarm decided to go loco on us this morning and go off at 4:45 instead. *rolls eyes *

SO ANYWAY! Feel free to ask any questions and check out the above websites.

And let me know how you're combating that lethargy that comes after eating a big meal . . . What IS your secret???


Rachel said...

How is the schooling going?

And seriously, I get lethargic if I eat too many during the daytime, I only eat veggies, fruits, cheese, etc. Otherwise, I am just too sleepy. ;)

Sarah said...

Where is Part Two?