Monday, April 6, 2009


A friend of mine posts cute things that her kids say on her blog, and it is just too funny, every time. I've done the same thing a few times, except that I've put it in a word document. I found that document tonight and I thought, "Why not put it in the blog? Share the funny stuff!" So here are a few of what I call Damekisms, with an Ianism thrown in at the end. :)

5 years old

Damek: “Hmm, now what was I going to draw?”

Mommy: “I don’t know, what were you going to draw?”

Damek: “No, I was telling me.

6 years old

(The "secret stairs" are back stairs that lead up to the third level.)

Mommy: “Damek, could you turn off the secret stairs light for me? I’ll get the other one.”

Damek: “That’s ok. You do most of the work around here, so I’ll get the other one for you.”

3 years old

Ian: “Mommy, are you sick?”

Mommy: “No, I have a headache. My head hurts.”

Ian: “I got to fix it. I got to get the scissors and clip your hair off your head. And then all better!”

hee hee hee ...

1 comment:

Jen said...

You were right, it did make me laugh!! The things they say...always gets me. Always has and probably always will, come to think of it. lol.